Bleh. Let's start there. I had an English teacher in high school who was quite fond of that incredibly asinine word. She would use it for just about anything that she found to be attractive or worthwhile or well done. I'll let you dig into the irony of her being a teacher of AP Literature yet spackling her sentences with fuzzy words in incongruous context.
Her abuse of adorable led me to despise the word in general and snicker at anyone who used it. It also led me to use it subversively in place of overt sarcasm.
"Oh, your new PT Cruiser is adorable."
While I may be overly sensitive about such things, I think that everyone has a few words that they just can't stand.
For my stepdad it's "awesome." He's just not going to buy that anything mundane, anything small such as your latte or that hot yoga class is actually awesome. No, that's for things like asteroids hitting the earth and that guy who sky-dived from space.
After doing a brief survey of a few close friends the following words were listed as things that made them either disgusted or fume with irritation. Oddly enough the two most cliche that most people go with: moist an c*** didn't make the list.
- Heavenly
- Foodie
- Travesty
- Perfect
- Chalupadilla/Quesalupa
- Photog
- Lovely
- Fructose
- Yolo
- Consortium
- Yogi/Guru
- Viral
- Bakersfield
- Selfie
- Sticky (marketing)
- Dovetail
- Sitch
- Brah
- Bespoke
- Literally
- Synergy
- Tastemaker
- Gamification
- Gluten
- Millennial
- Paradigm
- Actionable
- Integrity
- Flan
- Cuddle-puddle
- Dap
That's's probably making us all dumber at this point.